Book Review - Unimaginable


I’m in the middle of researching and writing a book on life during the times of the prophet Amos  whose ministry existed from 767-753 BC. Now I’m not going to give too much away other than to say that We the People have continued to repeat mistakes - no, not tiny mistakes - that end up looking like we haven’t progressed past the book of Judges.

Why is that I wondered. God probably has wondered that too. Any way, as I’m doing my research, I picked up Dr. Jeremiah J. Johnston’s book, Unimaginable, which had been sitting on a bookshelf in my library. And I’m glad I did. I immediately thought this might be a good reference book for the book I’m working on (hope that’s not too confusing). As it turned out, I took many pages of notes from the book. I wasn’t in total agreement with everything stated, but Dr. Johnston made some valid points.

Dr. Johnston spoke of the important role religion played and continues to play in society. In particular, Christianity. Unfortunately, such is not always conveyed in classrooms. Historical events that involve Christianity have been glossed over, diminishing the relevance of important details of the men and women who morally led as well as those who didn’t. In so doing, this has resulted in the forming of wrong opinions or overlooking the heroic acts of individuals whose last names weren’t always star-studded, but whose actions physically and/or spiritually saved many. We need to have a total understanding of the major role Christianity has played in both combating the evil and addressing the needs of others in this world. 

When you read Unimaginable, you will have a greater understanding that the world would be a different place if it wasn’t for God’s gift of Jesus Christ and the impact of His messages and miracles performed. In chapter 14, Dr. Johnston powerfully points out that “the mockery, misrepresentations, caricatures, persecutions, and occasional martyrdoms could not stop the Christian movement.” Even with everything working against society, Dr. Johnston discusses how Jesus propelled many people during His time and even more so after His death and resurrection to take up their crosses to help others. “The world in which we live would be a much darker place were it not for Christianity.” And it is knowing this that will help Christians today get through this most current onslaught of darkness - this war between God and Satan - continuing to live their lives helping others like many of their ancestors did in a Christ-like manner. We know God has already won! We are not to fear as we’ve seen His presence in many battles before now. Dr. Johnston methodically enlightens the reader to these battles and proves beyond any reasonable doubt the powerful staying impact of Jesus Christ!

I hope you will buy the book!


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