“So as you wait on Him today, give Him praise…..Praise Him in the waiting. Exalt Him in the wondering. So don’t ask for much today, just keep lifting up the Name above every name.”
Louie Giglio
From Waiting Here For You Devotional
Lessons for Today
Bible Lessons
Getting to know God’s Word is important for everyone. Whether it’s in the Old Testament or the New Testament, you will find people and events that will not only give you hope and inspiration but also the knowledge that you are not addressing life’s issues by yourself. Below are lessons from the Bible. Remember, God is with you.
“Nothing but a spirit of prayerfulness, coupled with careful watchfulness, will keep any person from being carried away by the unholy current.”
“If we are not distinct from the world, we will have nothing to say to the world.”
“Let the everyday rhythms of your life show them how to be a follower of Jesus Monday through Sunday.”
“Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.”
Matthew 28:5-6
The Makeup of the Bible
The Old Testament
The Old Testament - from Genesis 1:1 to Malachi 4:6, the pages open our eyes to the love, grace, and mercy that God has had for us since the “creation of the heavens and the earth.” In the Old Testament, we are introduced to and are inspired by the men and women who persevered through and overcame life’s trials because of their trust and faith in the Lord. In addition, as Joseph Farah points out in his book, The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament, the Old Testament contains the Gospel (the “good news”) in each of its 39 books. John 1:1 tells us that “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God.” The Old Testament - read it from the beginning and model your life with the likes of those that followed God’s Word.
Our latest Bible lesson is about a widow, her two sons, and a prophet who helps the woman see that God provides in times of need. The story reminds us that we must put our trust in God (see below)!
The New Testament
The New Testament is comprised of the Gospel - the fulfillment of the prophecies in the Old Testament of the coming of the Messiah and subsequent death and resurrection, which saved us from our sins. Both sin and death were defeated on the cross. It is also an account of the works of Jesus’ disciples following the ascension of Jesus to heaven, and at the end a message of both hope for believers of Christ and defeat for those who have rejected Christ as Lord.
Archive of Sunday School Lessons
Abram and Lot
This Sunday school lesson addresses the act of being unselfish and the need to have faith in the Lord.
Moses Spoke to Families
This lesson covers Deuteronomy 4-6. Why these three chapters? Each of these three tell us that God is the only God, He is consuming fire, and He is a jealous God.
God Sent Jonah to Nineveh
This Sunday school lesson addresses disobedience, accountability, and the grace and mercy God bestows upon us.
Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection
As we celebrate Easter on Sunday, remembering that Jesus died for us on the cross and rose on the third day defeating death, let us be thankful for God's love. John 3:16 tells us "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Jesus Taught About God's Care
As you read through the Bible, from the days of Creation, you can truly sense and feel the immense caring God has had for mankind. There’s no disputing that. His love for us - you and me - has been on display for over 6,000 years. It was shown nearly two thousand years ago when God came to earth as a baby who was born in a manger, in a humble environment. His name, Immanuel, means "God with us.” I read this the other day - “The Old Testament ended with a curse (see Malachi 4:6); the Gospel begins with a blessing.”
Esther Helped Her People
The story of Esther is such a great example of trusting the plans God has laid out for us. The story has her going from being an orphan to a queen.
Jesus and Zacchaeus
This Sunday school lesson is about a tax collector whose greedy ways of earning a living changed because of Jesus.
Elisha and the Shunammite Woman
This Sunday school lesson addresses kindness - that which we as Christians should exhibit to others. It’s also a story of how God helps us get through hard times. He is there for us!
God Saved Noah
In a wicked world, God found only one man, Noah, to be faithful. This lesson dramatically points out that God is in control.
God Promised a Son to Abraham
In this lesson we learn about God’s promise to Abraham and, of course, God keeping His promise. Never doubt God!
God Expected Abraham to Obey
God has given Abraham and Sarah a son. Now God will test Abraham’s faith.
Joseph Explained Two Dreams
In this Sunday school lesson Joseph interprets two dreams that Pharaoh had. Joseph knew his ability to do so came from God, to whom he gave all the glory and honor.
Joseph Helped Pharaoh Prepare
This lesson addresses two areas that pertain to each of us: 1) The need for preparedness, and 2) The long-term success of following God’s plans for our lives.
Joseph Helped His Family
Have you ever had to deal with older siblings? In this lesson, we continue to learn more about the life of Joseph who had eleven brothers.
Prophets Told About the Savior's Birth
In this lesson, we will learn about prophets in the Old Testament who heralded the coming of the Messiah!
Angels Spoke to Mary and Joseph
In this lesson we read that the time had come for God to send His Son to a world that was, and still is, in need of Him.
Jesus Teaches the Synagogue
In Nazareth, Jesus reads the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, confirming the coming of the Messiah.
Jesus Walked on Water
Jesus walked on water after miraculously feeding the five thousand plus men, women, and children. Who came out on the water, showing his faith in the Lord?
Jesus Triumphal Entry
Jesus enters Jerusalem. Riding on a donkey, He is welcomed by people laying palm branches and clothing across the path He’s on. He is publicly recognized as the Messiah.
Thomas Comes Around
Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He rose from the dead three days later. He came to the Upper Room where His disciples were except for Thomas. He showed them His wounds. Thomas had to see and feel the wounds for himself.
Jesus Returned to Heaven
….When things happen around us that we can’t explain, we’re puzzled like Dixie. Of course, unlike animals, we are warned ahead of time of impending bad weather or other significant events. We’re given a heads up as to what is coming. That is not to say that we have all the answers. However, although we may be impacted, we know we can go to God for our concerns. In our lesson today, we read about the initial puzzlement that Jesus’ disciples had before His ascension to heaven. They had weathered the storm of Jesus’ crucifixion. He had risen three days later. He was alive! He tells them, after forty days of spending time with them, that He was going to be with His Father. But Jesus was not going to leave His disciples alone….
Jesus Takes Charge
Jesus educates both the Sadducees and the Pharisees on such issues as resurrection and the two greatest commandments.
The Gospel's Impact
This lesson, from Acts 9:31 through 43, speaks not only about the ministry of Peter, but also about the continued importance and increasing role of the church.

“You have been created in order that you might make a difference.”
— Andy Andrews, author of The Butterfly Effect