The Journal of Resources
Whether it’s in our blog, a book review, a Bible lesson, a podcast, or our quarterly report, Education Central - you will leave knowing more about U.S. history, business, leadership, and, most importantly, God’s Word.
Bible Insights is here!
See Below!
The Outtop introduces its new quarterly report, Bible Insights. Each edition contains a discussion of certain chapters from a book of the Bible. In addition, we will continue our series on the major and minor prophets of the Old Testament,
The Blog

Living in the Daze of Deception Book Review

Living the Golden Rule

Bad Therapy - Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up Book Review

Children - Our Responsibility

Make Your Bed Book Review

It’s Personal Book Review
At the Outtop, we believe that effective positive leadership is not just behind the ivory doors of a corporation. It needs to be in our everyday lives, places where we take refuge from the unfathomable going ons in our world today. Places such as a church, a Sunday school room, a classroom, or, more importantly, a home. It is because of this, that we bring you books we believe address these areas and help to overcome these stressful times. We are all in this together! Let’s make a difference!

What Do We Do With the Data?

SEEN Book Review

The Beekeeper Book Review

Letter to the American Church Book Review

The Case Against Socialism Book Review
“Swedish taxes go so high in the 1970s that the effective marginal rate sometimes exceeded 100 percent.” See book review.

The Need to Read - How Important Is It?

The Need to Embrace Capitalism

The Impact of Truth

The Roles of People, Perceived or Not

Gifted Children and Their Future

Summer Fun and Then There’s Reading

Amos Addresses Israel’s Sins

The Economy

A Presentation For Teachers - Engaging For the Future Generations
Flip through the pages of our latest publication - a companion to the book, The Men of Genesis. Then go to Shop Now to order.
Bible Insights Report
In this Christmas edition of the Bible Insights Report, we discuss the one who paved the way for the Messiah, Jesus Christ. His name was John the Baptist. We take you up to the time shortly after John’s birth. We will continue our discussion of John in our next edition of the newsletter as he prepares the people for the salvation that Jesus offered then and still does today.
We continue our insight into the prophet Malachi. In this edition, we provide an infographic on chapter two of his book that reviews the issues God had with His people.
Welcome to the 4th edition of the Bible Insights Report. You will find information on Jesus’ continued teaching and healing. On display is the Son of God’s message of love and forgiveness of others. Please check out our new section, Current Issues Impacting God’s People, in which we discuss the plight of children living in poverty and how we all can help, i.e. Finally, in the Prophet section we highlight chapter 1 of Malachi who conveyed God’s message of disappointment in His people. The message could be said to us today.
Welcome to the 3rd edition of the Bible Insights Report in which we cover chapters 5 and 6 in the book of Luke.
In these chapters we read of the growing animosity the Pharisees have toward Jesus. On the other hand, Luke points out the crowds of people who come to Jesus for his preaching and his healing. In chapter 6, we read of Jesus’ sermon on the Plain in which He speaks to the people of blessings (the Beatitudes) and woes that were to come.
The newsletter also highlights the prophet Haggai whom God used to propel His people to rebuild His temple.
We hope you enjoy this issue.
The Pharisees may not have liked Jesus, but the people did!
Bible Insights Report Archives
It’s here! Check out our new quarterly newsletter, Bible Insights! With Christmas around the corner, this first edition discusses the Birth of Jesus with audios of Bible verses from Luke 1 and 2. Also, there is an infographic on the prophet Nahum, a minor prophet in the Bible.
The 1st quarter 2023 edition of Bible Insights is now available! It continues the discussion of the book of Luke - more specifically, chapters 3 and 4. In this newsletter, the reader gets insight on the role of John the Baptist, the temptation of Jesus, and His subsequent ministry. Our prophet focus is on Daniel, a man committed to God. As with all the editions of this newsletter, there are audios of the chapters covered in the newsletter. Hope you enjoy! God bless!
Education Central
In these quarterly reports below are researched articles on America’s business, history, and religion. We bring truth and enlightenment to readers of all ages.
Education Central Report Fourth Quarter 2022 Edition - includes the following articles: The Traditions of Christmas, Christmas and the Economy, Religion - The Coming of the Messiah, Book Review: Christmas Miracles, America’s President: George Washington
Education Central Report Third Quarter 2022 Edition - includes the following articles: The Fed Takes the Reins, Leading Up to the Crash of 1929 - Part 1, The Book of Judges - Chapter 3, Pathway to Effective Leadership - Part 2, The Minor Prophets Series - Obadiah, Book Review: JFK and the Reagan Revolution, America’s President Page: John F. Kennedy.
Education Central Report Second Quarter 2022 Edition - includes the following articles: George Washington Takes the Reins, The Panic of 1907 Infographic, Pathway to Effective Leadership - Part 1, The Book of Judges - Chapter 2, The Minor Prophets Series - Amos, Book Review: Change Your World, The Great Recession of 2008 - Questions and Answers, The Transition - Moses Infographic, and a new series America’s President Page: Teddy Roosevelt.
Education Central Report First Quarter 2022 Edition - includes the following articles: The Panic of 1893, America’s Generations Infographic, The Book of Judges - Chapter 1, Want to Be a Good Leader? The Leadership of Joshua, Book Review: Grover Cleveland, The Finance and Economic Corner: Sustainable Growth, The Transition Infographic, and a new series America’s President Page: Grover Cleveland.
Education Central Report Nov/Dec 2021 Edition - includes the following articles: The Panic of 1873, America’s Founding Fathers: George Washington, the Four Factors of Production, The Finance/Economic Corner: Production, What is So and So in the Bible, Esther, Book Review: This Christmas Gift, It’s 1800 and the Turn of the Century.
Education Central Report Sept/Oct 2021 Edition - includes the following articles: The Panic of 1857, History of the United States Flag, Trade Infographic, Federal Banking: The Second Bank of the United States, The Financial/Economic Corner: Inflation, What is Christianity? (Part 3), Ruth, Book Review: Elevate, The Eighth Commandment, 1700s: British Taxes
Education Central Report July/August 2021 Edition - includes the following articles: The Depression of 1837, Farming in the United States, Trade Infographic, The Financial Corner: Financial Capital, What is Christianity? (Part 2), The Apostle Peter, The Eighth Commandment: Identity Theft, Book Review: Change is Good, You Go First.
Education Central Report May/June 2021 Edition - includes the following articles: America’s First Recession: 1819, The Economics Corner: GDP, The U. S. Constitution’s First Amendment: Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition, The Electoral College, What is Christianity? (Part 1), Christianity and the Apostle Paul, Book Review: The Ten Commandments, Facts Behind the Mayflower Voyage.