The Role of the First Commandment


The importance of the first commandment cannot be overstated: 

“You shall have no other gods before Me.”

Exodus 20:3

Depending on whether you keep this commandment or toss it will determine how close you get to observing the other nine commandments.  Kevin DeYoung, in his book The 10 Commandments (see book review in this year’s May/June Education Central newsletter on, states that “we have a moral code because we have a moral Lawgiver.” If you truly believe in God, then taking something that doesn’t belong to you or physically harming a person contradicts such a belief. The Ten Commandments represent the master plan upon which God expects us to live our lives. He doesn’t make us follow them; however, living a moral Christian life, in which integrity and character have leading roles, is premised on our level of obedience to God’s laws. Such strength in our obedience tells everyone around us that we have “no other gods” before the Lord. Ever, I hope.


Book Review - The Garden


Finding Jesus in the Old Testament